日曬衣索比亞 Baby Gesha
ETHIOPIA Baby Gesha Natural
Peach, Raspberry, Mandarine, Black Tea
處理法 Process | 日曬 Natural
豆種 Variety | Baby Gesha
產區 Region | Djimma Limu
在風光明媚的衣索比亞 Djimma Limu 地區,Gummay Woreda Estates 莊園譜寫了一段獨特的咖啡傳奇。自 2017 年引進瑰夏(Gesha)品種以來,當地農民悉心栽培,終於在 2022 年迎來了豐收。
瑰夏咖啡以其精緻的花果香氣著稱,檸檬、芒果與花香的細緻層次交織出令人驚豔的風味。Gummay Woreda Estates 的農民們透過精湛的種植與處理技術,將瑰夏咖啡的獨特魅力發揮得淋漓盡致,為咖啡愛好者帶來一場味蕾盛宴。
Hidden in the beautiful Djimma Limu region, the small town of Gummay Woreda Estates has a special coffee story. In 2017, local farmers started growing a new type of coffee bean called Gesha. It took a few years to grow, but when it was ready in 2022, the taste was amazing.
Gesha coffee is known for its light and fruity flavor, with notes of lemon, mango, and flowers. The farmers in Gummay Woreda Estates worked hard to make the best possible Gesha coffee, and it's really delicious.