COLOMBIA | Espiritu Blanc Geisha
COLOMBIA | Espiritu Blanc Geisha
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COLOMBIA | Espiritu Blanc Geisha

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哥倫比亞 Espiritu Blanc 藝伎
COLOMBIA Espiritu Blanc Geisha

Ginger Lily, Apricot, Green Apple, Dried Prune, Jasmine Tea, Elegant

處理法 Process | 厭氧蜜處理 Anaerobic Honey 
豆種 Variety | Geisha
產區 Region | Huila
生產者 Producer | Wilder Lazo
海拔高度 Altitude | 1,800 masl

這批珍貴的藝伎咖啡豆,來自哥倫比亞 Huila 產區,孕育於海拔高達 1,800 公尺的 Espiritu Blanc 莊園。Espiritu Blanc 在西班牙語中意為「白色的靈魂」,彷彿預示著這款咖啡豆所蘊含的純淨與美好。

莊園主 Wilder Lazo 先生是一位對咖啡充滿熱情與堅持的咖啡農。他深信,優質的咖啡源於對土地的尊重和對細節的極致追求。Espiritu Blanc 莊園擁有得天獨厚的地理環境,高海拔賦予咖啡豆更緩慢的成熟時間,有助於風味的發展與複雜度的提升。肥沃的火山土壤和充足的降雨,也為咖啡樹的健康生長提供了理想的條件。


This batch of precious Geisha coffee beans originates from the Huila region of Colombia, cultivated at the Espiritu Blanc estate, which sits at an impressive altitude of 1,800 meters. Espiritu Blanc, meaning "white soul" in Spanish, seems to foreshadow the purity and beauty contained within these coffee beans.

Mr. Wilder Lazo, the estate owner, is a coffee farmer with immense passion and dedication. He firmly believes that exceptional coffee stems from respecting the land and pursuing meticulous detail. The Espiritu Blanc estate boasts a unique geographical advantage; the high altitude allows for slower maturation of the coffee cherries, contributing to the development of flavor and increased complexity. The fertile volcanic soil and ample rainfall also provide ideal conditions for the healthy growth of the coffee trees.

Upon tasting, you will experience the unique spiciness of ginger lily, followed by the sweetness of ripe apricot and the refreshing notes of green apple. The mid-palate reveals the rich flavor of dried plum, while the finish carries a charming jasmine tea aroma, resulting in an elegant and lingering taste experience.

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