關於我們 About Us

在 BLACK SUGAR COFFEE,你能感受到我們對於精品咖啡的熱情和對於我們三隻柴犬店長的愛,帶領我們做著一些與別不同的精彩事。
柴犬店長的精神的暗藏在我們的咖啡裡 — 充滿活力、活潑,以及專注,在每一杯咖啡中的聯繫著我和你。
At BLACK SUGAR COFFEE, our passion for specialty coffee and our affection for our three Shiba Inu pets inspired us to create something truly unique.
Our coffee blend is infused with the lively and loyal essence of these energetic and playful dogs, fostering connections with every cup.
Come and experience the Shiba Spirit for yourself! Woof! Woof!
“Given enough coffee, I could rule the world” — Black Sugar
黑糖店長 Black Sugar (left)|Male|25 Dec 2012
Inspiring, good-looking, photogenic, and friendly, he loves sitting at the front door of his shop to greet all customers
糖妹 Lady Sugar (right)|Female|04 March 2018
總是等待著顧客的一個大大的擁抱。 她喜歡擁抱和表達愛意,她很樂意與所有人分享她的愛
Always waiting for a great hug from our customers. She loves cuddling and showing affection, she is happy to share her love with all people.
熊仔糖 Sugar Bear (middle)|Male|28 August 2020
總是充滿活力,很高興見到所有顧客並認識狗狗朋友。 對每個人都很溫柔
Always very energetic and happy to see all customers and meet the doggo friends. Gentle with everyone.
作為 BLACK SUGAR 的柴犬店長,他們總為我們的 BLACK SUGAR 家庭帶來歡樂,不會讓任何人離開時不帶著一張笑臉離開!
All of them bring all the joy to our communities, they are the furbosses of Black Sugar Coffee, let no one ever come to them without leaving happier.