PANAMA | Auromar Catalina Geisha
Regular price HKD 280
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巴拿馬 Auromar Catalina 藝伎
PANAMA Auromar Catalina Geisha
Purple Grape, Pomegranate, Prune, Coffee Blossom, Clementine, Sugar Cane
處理法 Process | 日曬 Natural
豆種 Variety | Geisha
產區 Region | Boquete
生產者 Producer | Roberto Brenes
海拔高度 Altitude | 1,800 - 2,400 masl
Auromar 莊園坐落於巴拿馬 Boquete 產區,海拔高達 1,800 - 2,400 公尺,得天獨厚的地理位置和氣候條件為咖啡的生長提供了理想的環境。莊園主 Roberto Brenes 先生對咖啡的熱情與對品質的極致追求,體現在每一顆咖啡豆的細節之中。
Auromar 莊園以其對環境友善的承諾和永續的種植方式而聞名。他們仔細呵護每一株咖啡樹,並採用嚴謹的日曬處理法,讓咖啡豆在陽光下緩慢乾燥,充分發展其獨特的風味。Catalina 是 Auromar 莊園中一個特別的微型批次,精選自莊園內最優質的藝伎咖啡樹,經過精心挑選和處理,展現出藝伎品種最精緻的風味潛力。
Auromar Estate is situated in the Boquete region of Panama, at an impressive altitude of 1,800 - 2,400 meters. This privileged geographical location and climate provide an ideal environment for coffee cultivation. The passion of the estate owner, Mr. Roberto Brenes, and his unwavering pursuit of quality are reflected in every detail of each coffee bean.
Auromar Estate is renowned for its commitment to environmental friendliness and sustainable farming practices. They meticulously care for each coffee tree and employ a rigorous natural processing method, allowing the coffee beans to dry slowly under the sun, fully developing their unique flavor profile. Catalina is a special micro-lot from Auromar Estate, carefully selected from the estate's finest Geisha coffee trees. It undergoes meticulous selection and processing to showcase the most exquisite flavor potential of the Geisha variety.
This lot is celebrated for its stunning flavor profile, where each sip reveals the sweetness of purple grapes, the richness of pomegranate, the mellowness of plum, and the refreshing notes of coffee blossom and citrus. The finish concludes with the natural sweetness of sugarcane, creating a complex and harmonious experience.