PANAMA | El Burro Catuai
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PANAMA | El Burro Catuai

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巴拿馬 El Burro Catuai
PANAMA El Burro Catuai 

Banana Chocolate, Tropical Fruit, Grape, Walnut, Sweet & Bold

處理法 Process | 日曬 Natural
豆種 Variety | Catuai
產區 Region | Boquete
生產者 Producer | Lamastus Family Estates
海拔 Altitude | 1,700-1,800 masl

來自享譽盛名的 Lamastus 家族莊園,這款日曬 Catuai 豆呈現了巴拿馬風土大膽卻平易近人的風味。香蕉巧克力、熱帶水果和葡萄的風味交織綻放,最後以核桃的堅果香氣和濃郁的甜味收尾 — 盡情體現了拉馬斯圖斯家族卓越的工藝,是日常飲用的一款愉悅奢華之選。

El Burro 莊園座落於好山好水的 Boquete 產區,超過一半的的栽種面積包含在巴魯火山國家公園,因此能夠保有相當原始的生態環境。驢子莊園的咖啡種植區塊約落在1,800 masl 左右極高的海拔高度,氣溫夠低,加上乾燥季節仍有雲霧繚繞,並且有原始林作為遮蔭,夜間寒冷,因此一株咖啡樹需要四年半到五年半的時間才能開始產果(比種植在一般環境的咖啡樹多兩到三年成熟),而咖啡櫻桃的熟成大約可延緩一個月左右,發展也更加完全。

From the renowned Lamastus Family Estate, this naturally processed Catuai coffee offers a bold yet approachable expression of Panama's terroir. Bursting with flavors of banana chocolate, tropical fruits, and grape, it finishes with a nutty walnut note and rich sweetness. This coffee is a testament to the Lamastus family's exceptional craftsmanship, making it a delightful luxury for everyday enjoyment.

El Burro Estate is nestled in the picturesque Boquete region, with over half of its cultivation area situated within the Baru Volcano National Park, preserving a pristine natural environment. The coffee-growing area of El Burro Estate sits at an exceptionally high altitude of approximately 1,800 meters above sea level. The cool temperatures, coupled with the persistent fog during the dry season and shade provided by the pristine forest, create a cooler nighttime environment. As a result, a coffee tree takes four and a half to five and a half years to start bearing fruit, two to three years longer than coffee trees grown in typical environments. Moreover, the maturation of the coffee cherries is extended by about a month, allowing for more complete development.

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